Challenging the Timeline Issue No. 3
By Paul Taylor, Head of Operations, Loan Market Association Welcome to the third edition of Challenging the Timeline – the LMA newsletter dedicated to primary and secondary operations. A heartfelt thank you for your continued feedback and support, which has been invaluable in shaping this publication. Our community has grown significantly since the first edition […]
Breaking New Ground on a Well-Trodden Path: Emerging trends in Credit Risk Distribution
September 4th is an important date. Over time, it has marked the founding of Los Angeles, the incorporation of Google and as of last week, the hosting of the LMA’s inaugural CRI/SRT seminar. This event, hosted by Amelia Slocombe, Managing Director at the LMA, was designed to showcase the growing importance of both CRI and […]
Opportunities and challenges in the EMEA and Asia Pacific loan markets: A conversation with the LMA and APLMA CEOs
On 20-21 February, over 650 loan market participants from around the world got together at the Asia Pacific Loan Market Association (APLMA)’s annual Global Loan Market Summit in Hong Kong. Among the speakers at the summit was Scott McMunn, the CEO of the Loan Market Association (LMA). Here, the CEO of the APLMA, James Hogan, […]
10 Shocking Scenarios for the World in 2035
The financial sector has made real progress towards being more inclusive, but there is still a significant gap, particularly in leadership roles, that still needs more attention and action initiatives. Institutions that take the lead will not just be doing the right thing; they will gain a competitive advantage. Dee Dee Sklar Recently, I was honoured […]
Why private markets are helping women pivot their careers in finance – and fulfil their potential
The financial sector has made real progress towards being more inclusive, but there is still a significant gap, particularly in leadership roles, that still needs more attention and action initiatives. Institutions that take the lead will not just be doing the right thing; they will gain a competitive advantage. Dee Dee Sklar The finance industry […]
From Ballots to Bullets: Unveiling Global Shifts in 2024
UPDATE ON “From Ballots to Bullets: Unveiling Global Shifts in 2024” by David Chmiel The 6th of October was, for me, a day like many others – I spent it talking about the state of the world. It started with a board briefing for a client on how current events are altering the economic […]
LMA Private Credit Seminar Highlights December 2023
On Tuesday 5 December 2023, the LMA hosted its first Private Credit Seminar. The event proved to be incredibly popular with almost 500 registrations within the opening weeks (before we had to close). We will ensure there is more capacity next time, but for those who were unable to get one of the limited seats, […]
LMA Members’ Survey: Outlook for the Loan Market 2024
In November 2023, the LMA surveyed its membership on the outlook for the loan market over the next 12 months. The survey comprised 16 multiple-choice questions covering the primary and secondary markets; real estate finance, the developing markets, sustainable finance and FinTech specifically; and lastly regulation. The results below were collected anonymously and represent the […]